Sunday, December 1, 2019

VK's Pizza Adventures 6

Red Baron Thin and Cripsy Bacon Lovers 3/10
DiGiorno Bacon Me Crazy Stuffed Crust 5/10
DiGiorno Pepperoni Stuffed Crust 5.5/10
DiGiorno Pepperoni Pan Pizza 7/10

The Red Baron Thin and Crispy Bacon Lovers is not one I will be getting again. I didn't taste much in the way of bacon, most of what I tasted was smoke, I also got occasional tastes of "shitty grey pepperoni" that I'd encountered on a few other pizza brands.


Having tried the DiGiorno Stuffed Crusts a few more times, they definitely need to be baked a bit longer than it says on the box, at least in my oven.

They were actually pretty good and were far less soggy-seaming this time around.

The bottom of the crust tends to get chewy rather than crispy, though, which is a negative for mouthfeel.

Both were decent.

5/10 for the Bacon
5.5/10 for the Pepperoni

The DiGiorno Pan Pizza was quite good, replicates the Pizza Hut Pan Pizza texture and a bit of the flavor without whatever the heck there is inside Pizza Hut pizzas that give me nausea.

I bet they use corn starch somewhere.


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