Saturday, December 12, 2015

Thoughtlets: Guns

From Here

Guns are like the rain -- you can't control them -- so if your roof leaks, the best solution is to get rid of the roof and sit in your living room with a super soaker aimed at the sky.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Thoughtlets: Childhood Innocence

From Here

For many people in prisons, their presence is a result of a rash action or a series of bad choices, for many more it is a result of their adolescence, upbringing, and/or environment.

To almost all people to begin with, children are sacrosanct, but these people in particular, children are innocents who have a chance to make better choices and decisions, and to live a better life than they did.

A person who feels irredeemable will look on children as bright lights in a dark world- they are the essence of hope.

And to sully that innocence, to kill part of the hope of the world, and to darken what little light they see left, is the most gravest of offenses. Only the purely blackhearted could do such a thing, and to those who feel separated from the world by their misdeeds and pasts, that sort of person will be treated as a wild animal dressed in the cloth of humanity, and will be dealt with accordingly.