Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thoughtlets: Immortality

From Here

Human beings are often critical of immortality, based on a fear that they will eventually use up all the things to do and become eternally bored.

This is of course tremendously small-minded, as the vast infinity of the universe contains an abundance of delights, distractions and debauched enterprises. So many so that after a few thousand years of indulgence, any self-respecting immortal should have built up more than enough rose-tinted (if somewhat sticky) memories to entertain them through any degree of rainy day.

However, since many immortal humans--being humans--are likely to persist in making grand statements about the terrible burden of immortality, the solution is quite simple. Anyone who is actually bored with immortality can safely be allowed to die.

Anyone left who keeps making a fuss about it can be safely dismissed of a bit of a whiny poser who (let's hoping) will probably grow out of it in a millennium or three.

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