Saturday, January 28, 2017

Thoughtlets: Naga/Lamia Weight

So using the Rule of 9's for body size percentages, and the Standard of Seven Heads for the size of a person in a drawing, and the fact that a snake only holds up 1/5 to 1/6 of its body off the ground, a properly proportioned lamia matching the height and human build dimensions of a given individual will weigh about an additional 18% per head of length. (36% of weight in torso, torso is two heads long)

So a 6'0" 140 pound person with that build translated into snek-person with properly sized tail would be a 36' long lamia, and weigh 1022 pounds.

18% * 5 Lengths * 7 heads = 6.3 times the weight from the added segments, totaling 7.3 times the weight when you add in the original length and mass.

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