Friday, September 16, 2016

VK's Pizza Adventures 3

Digiorno Rising Crust 5.5/10
Digiorno Pizzaria Thin 6.5/10
Tony's 5/10

Of all the brands thus far Digiorno is my favorite. Though the Freschetta is cheaper, I thought the Digiorno was more flavorful. The crust is about the same, but the taste is definitely better on the Digiorno. It's still not fantastic, but it's pretty good.


Despite being listed as thin crust, the Digiorno Pizzaria Pizza I tried wasn't too terribly much thinner than the usual Digiorno offering, but there was something added in this that made it taste quite a lot better. It's the best frozen pizza I've had thus far, and it's only slightly more expensive than the normal offering.



Tony's is a middle of the road cost pizza, and usually one of the cheaper brands, about $2.50 or so usually. It's not too terribly flavorful, and falls into the blandness of most frozen pizzas.

But I really like the way the crust on this one feels. It's thick enough to where there's some heft to it and it's filling, but isn't so thick that you lose the majority of the crunch. If I could get the Digiorno Pizzaria toppings and sauce on this crust it'd probably be my perfect frozen pizza.


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